Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Cold War Between East And West From The End Of The...

From 1948 to 1991 countless anti-communist films were made, dominating the stage of transnational politics and geostrategic affairs between East and West from the beginning to the end of the USSR. The Cold War would impose an atmosphere bursting with tension on the world film production arena. The main tense issues that prevailed included but were not limited to: Communist expansionism, American Imperialism, an arms race including a nuclear menace, the subjugation of space, and the infamous intelligence and counter-espionage clash. It is important to note that the skirmishes amongst these main actors- the Unites States and The Soviet Union- was not only in the domain of defense and economy, but also encompassed ideology and culture. The latter was especially mirrored in the cinema. From the nonviolent coexistence to the climax and fall of prevalent democracies, and all that is within cinema has reflected the societal patterns of major periods in history. Furthermore, the media’s evolvement as an effective propaganda machine used mainly for denunciation purposes secured the box office a chief function in the Cold War. A multitude of films were introduced with varying dimensions on the same topic. â€Å"The Iron Curtain’(1948) along with â€Å"The Invasion of The Body Snatchers†(1956) and â€Å"The Witch Hunt†(1994) were amongst films which proliferated during the period. The influence of the house of Anti-American Activities (1938) under President Truman and the Era of McCarthyismShow MoreRelatedHistorical Timeline Of East West Relationship Essay1372 Words   |  6 PagesHistorical Timeline of East-West Relationship Post World War II Having formed an alliance of convenience for the purpose of defeating their common axis enemy led by Hitler of Germany, the climate of distrust between the United Socialist Soviet Republics (USSR) and the west led by the United States of America (USA) still continued after the world war. 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