Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Interview with Simone Eyles-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Significant insights given by the entrepreneurs who achieved wealth and success in the recent years. Answer: Introduction Entrepreneurship can be understood as the capacity of an individual to develop and manage a business by taking risks and rewards in return. For being a successful entrepreneurship, a person needs to have a particular set of characteristics and skills which helps in getting success to the business (Nandan, 2013). This report has been prepared with an aim to discuss and focus on the significant insights given by the entrepreneurs who achieved wealth and success in the recent years. This report is based on the interview conducted with Simone Eyles, who is a founder of a coffee ordering application which helps users to order through technology. The meaningful insights given by the fresh and young entrepreneur will be discussed so that much can be learned from her experience and hard work. Simone Eyles: Founder of 365 cups The interview is held with the founder of online ordering venture 365 cups, Simone Eyles. She is a women entrepreneur and is successful in her business. 365 cups is a platform where the users can place order from all over the world right from the small rural cafes to the large multinationals. The business runs on technology and Simone Eyles started from 365 cups is now serving up to 45000 users in Australia and New Zealand. Simone Eyles, the founder of the venture shares her experience in an interview that she had a long held dream of opening her own caf which is why she came up with the idea of 365 cups (Shying, 2014). From her background, it is clear that she is the proud owner of two businesses which are 365 cups and Working spaces HQ. For starting a business like 365 cups, the founder shares that with the help of technology, she is able to serve huge number of customers across Australia and New Zealand. The brand started with an application and now has 3 stores in New South Wales. So, basically from a small city of Wagga wagga, the founder reached the whole country. 365 cups and inspiration for the business 365 cups is all about linking the customers with the infrastructure, service and technology so that the needs of the tech savvy customers can be met. The customers now, order from their laptops, phones, tablets and the list goes on. The founder shares that the biggest influencer to stat up this business is the people who are in her support. The women inspire her to be the successful and honest entrepreneur. She clears that the natural progression in her success of the business inspired her more to go ahead (Drucker, 2014). The founder explains that she influence others by executing the ideas. Getting ideas or planning about them is easy but executing them is something which needs courage and is the most required skill for a successful entrepreneur. This shows that the young entrepreneurs should start with a good idea, the money and success will follow slowly and gradually. The founder believes in people. She likes talking to its customers and getting connected to them (Carter Jones-Evans, 2009). The wall is provided to the customers where they can post their reviews, photos and messages which is a kind of promotion and advertising. The business also advertises itself on Twitter and Facebook which involves a lot of target customers. From this, I learned that it is important to believe in your people when you want to carry on business with them. An entrepreneur should be honest to its people and should take along its people which will ultimately contribute to the success of the business (Kirzner, 2015). The founder believes that getting connected to the customers and adapting technology and trends made the business successful. It is anticipating even the worst case scenario which helped the entrepreneur to struggle and push forward the business. The founder also discussed the importance of planning in setting up the business and to face and compete with the worst scenarios of the business. Also, tracking the financial progress is equally important so that the money earned can be uti8lisedeeffectively and do not get waste. Being organised is another key tactic which is needed to manage business. The resources need to be organised and back up resources need to be maintained (Wiklund, et al., 2011). Entrepreneurship as per the founder of 365 cups is delivering the value consistently and having clarity of thought. An entrepreneur needs to have the understanding of his/ her own business and how it will contribute in the life of the consumers. Success, on the other hand is taken as the security in terms of finances and profession (Naud, 2010). It is getting the support from the people and being admired by them. To the young entrepreneurs, the founder suggests that there should be a level of responsibility with the people working in the business whether its a family member, friend or employee. Today, an entrepreneur should focus n the presentation of the business which is both offline and online. Promotions of the business can lead it to success. An entrepreneur listens to the heart and should put those ideas into execution by continuing listening to them. Also, the suggestions and the recommendations given by others should be considered for delivering better results to the users (K uratko Audretsch, 2009). The interview conducted made me learn that it is important to plan the idea and to execute it well. But the most important thing is to continue it. The success should be celebrated when more success is gained. I gained insights that a market needs new innovations and ideas so thinking about business is not a bad idea. It is very important to have thinking like an entrepreneur where one takes initiative, ready for the risks, have flexibility and generate secure future (Langevang Gough, 2012). A good market research is important to get a rough idea about the market and the business idea will run or not. To encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship, support is necessary from the family and friends. On a personal level I learned that when proper Research and development is not done in the market, it discourage the business and create chances for failure. It is also very important to manage time and organise business activities in a way which leads to the success of most of the business p lans (Awogbenle Iwuamadi, 2010). The valuable insights gained from an interview include the learning that there is something to learn always from each other. One person does not know everything. An entrepreneur should embrace what makes him/ her unique. Every entrepreneur is unique in own sense and this brings innovation ain business. The lessons learned from the successful entrepreneur increases the chances of getting success. Working with people is another important learning (Littunen Niittykangas, 2010). It is people who bring change by supporting the ideas and business of an entrepreneur. It is important to believe in own ideas and concepts so that the entrepreneur is able to influence others. It is also very important to follow and abide by the trends and technology without which the business will be out-dated and will lack innovation. New and different always attract the attention of people and help in gaining success and praises from most of the people. In all, in the age of globalisation, the business shoul d be ready to accept the changes and manage diversity in the cross cultural business environment of business (Arogundade, 2011). Conclusion To conclude, I would say that this interview has provided deep and valuable insights which would not have been possible otherwise. The findings of this interview or report prepared will be meaningful and will contribute in the process of being a successful entrepreneur. I have my own plans in future to start up a business which is influenced by the views and opinions of the famous entrepreneur like Simone Eyles. I learned that one should not be afraid of taking risks and delegating tasks to the people in the team. I learned how to organise things and time together to make the optimum use of it. This can be used by me in visualising my goals and success. Also, effective communication and listening properly could reduce misconceptions created among the team members which could reduce the quality of performance. Time is valuable which could be used properly to create effective results in the business. I learned that it is very important to create your own value in the world. It can be d one by keeping the things simple and by being a self-motivator in the world of business where there is tough competition. It is noted that being an entrepreneur is not easy rather it is about maintaining a perfect blend of friendly and professional attitude for the followers and with the clients. Everyone is to be treated respectfully to lead everyone without any hesitation in anyone. This interview could be a game changer for me and my business plans in future. References Arogundade, B B (2011). Entrepreneurship education: An imperative for sustainable development in Nigeria.Journal of emerging trends in educational research and policy studies (JETERAPS),2(1), 26-29. Awogbenle, A C Iwuamadi, K C (2010). Youth unemployment: Entrepreneurship development programme as an intervention mechanism.African Journal of Business Management,4(6), 831. by Sara Carter, E Jones-Evans, D. (2009). Enterprise and small business: Principles, practice and policy.Strategic Direction,25(5). 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