Thursday, December 26, 2019

Polymerase Chain Reaction Essay - 1003 Words

One may view cloning as copying a living thing and producing multiple copies. People may think of cloning rabbits, sheep or humans. In the field of molecular biology, however cloning is viewed at a genetic molecular level, where a piece of DNA is copied on a large-scale by genetically copying tens to hundreds of thousands of identical DNA fragments. Researchers are developing new methods of cloning by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR was introduced in the 1980s and in recent years Kary Mullis won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his invention of PCR. Today, Scientists today are researching the various sub-fields of cloning, using PCR, in new ways using terminators, enzyme insertion, and types of cloning to produce high†¦show more content†¦This article also explain how polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the most powerful amplification technology available for producing large quantities of DNA from a sample (Mullis et al. 2006). The scientists also tested thermo sta ble DNA polymerase and found Thermus aquaticus Polymerase (Taq) is the best for polymerase chain reaction. PCR is composes of three steps; denaturation, primer annealing, and polymerization. In the denaturation step, the target DNA is separated into two stands through heating, the hydrogen bonds between complementary bases, yielding single stands of DNA. In the annealing step, the temperature is decreased to anneal the primers. In the polymerization step, the template DNA is used by Taq polymerase to produce a complementary copy by extending the primers from their 3’ ends of the DNA. The development of thermo stable polymerases based on Taq, T4 DNA, and pfu polymerase, revolutionized PCR and converted it to a technique that can be used routinely in any lab. In respect to molecular biology, cloning has been the center for branching out new technologies in the topic to cloning. In Cloning and analysis of PCR-generated DNA fragments (Coasta et al. 1994), had explored the five main methods for cloning. They include, restriction enzyme site incorporation, T/A cloning, Uracil-DNA-gylcosylase cloning (UDG), ligase independent cloning, and blunt ended cloning. Each of the five many cloningShow MoreRelatedThe Reaction Of Polymerase Chain Reaction1823 Words   |  8 PagesPolymerase Chain Reaction: Polymerase chain reaction, also known as PCR, a technology that has made a tremendous impact on researchers, and has also affected many aspects of our everyday lives. The introduction of recombinant DNA technology has revolutionized the study of life as a tool for the biological sciences. Molecular cloning allowed the study of individual genes of living organisms; however there was dependence of obtaining a relatively large quantity of pure DNA. 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