Thursday, December 26, 2019

Polymerase Chain Reaction Essay - 1003 Words

One may view cloning as copying a living thing and producing multiple copies. People may think of cloning rabbits, sheep or humans. In the field of molecular biology, however cloning is viewed at a genetic molecular level, where a piece of DNA is copied on a large-scale by genetically copying tens to hundreds of thousands of identical DNA fragments. Researchers are developing new methods of cloning by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR was introduced in the 1980s and in recent years Kary Mullis won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his invention of PCR. Today, Scientists today are researching the various sub-fields of cloning, using PCR, in new ways using terminators, enzyme insertion, and types of cloning to produce high†¦show more content†¦This article also explain how polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the most powerful amplification technology available for producing large quantities of DNA from a sample (Mullis et al. 2006). The scientists also tested thermo sta ble DNA polymerase and found Thermus aquaticus Polymerase (Taq) is the best for polymerase chain reaction. PCR is composes of three steps; denaturation, primer annealing, and polymerization. In the denaturation step, the target DNA is separated into two stands through heating, the hydrogen bonds between complementary bases, yielding single stands of DNA. In the annealing step, the temperature is decreased to anneal the primers. In the polymerization step, the template DNA is used by Taq polymerase to produce a complementary copy by extending the primers from their 3’ ends of the DNA. The development of thermo stable polymerases based on Taq, T4 DNA, and pfu polymerase, revolutionized PCR and converted it to a technique that can be used routinely in any lab. In respect to molecular biology, cloning has been the center for branching out new technologies in the topic to cloning. In Cloning and analysis of PCR-generated DNA fragments (Coasta et al. 1994), had explored the five main methods for cloning. They include, restriction enzyme site incorporation, T/A cloning, Uracil-DNA-gylcosylase cloning (UDG), ligase independent cloning, and blunt ended cloning. Each of the five many cloningShow MoreRelatedThe Reaction Of Polymerase Chain Reaction1823 Words   |  8 PagesPolymerase Chain Reaction: Polymerase chain reaction, also known as PCR, a technology that has made a tremendous impact on researchers, and has also affected many aspects of our everyday lives. The introduction of recombinant DNA technology has revolutionized the study of life as a tool for the biological sciences. Molecular cloning allowed the study of individual genes of living organisms; however there was dependence of obtaining a relatively large quantity of pure DNA. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

From Valiancy to Vengeance in Shakespeare´s Othello

Hatred, in Shakespeare’s Othello, destroyed the lives of so many innocent people, creating an atmosphere of fear and mayhem. Jealousy turned into a deep hatred, and liberated the beast in man (Blooms major dramatists).This mayhem caused a substantial amount of destruction and led to the demise of many. Hatred in Othello starts with Brabantio, who claims Othello is a noble, respectable man. However, Brabantio hates dark skin and foreign roots, two attributes Othello possesses. Brabantio’s hatred for Othello grows when he marries his daughter, Desdemona, behind his back. Brabantio accuses Othello of witchcraft, which is clear when he argues â€Å"She is abused, stoln from me, and corrupted by spells and medicines bought of mountebanks†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Iago’s jealousy and hatred prompt him to plot revenge, and dishonor Cassio. A cloud of hatred so thick settles into Iago’s mind, compromising any shred of humanity he has left. This is prov ed when Iago convinces Roderigo to try and assassinate Cassio, by telling him â€Å"none can be so determinate as the removing of Cassio† (4.2.227). Iago’s selfish, need-to-be-dominate nature also stems to his hatred of women. Iago shows no respect or morals toward women, and believes that they are simply just â€Å"property of men† ( Iago proves his hated toward women when he states â€Å"Ere I would say I would drown myself for the love of a guinea hen; I would change my humanity with a baboon† (1.3.310). His hatred for women became indisputable when he killed his wife, Emilia, for the sake of trying to protect his harsh secrets from being released. Not only does Iago hate women, he hates any man who dare love a women himself. Similarly, Emilia has a hatred toward men, although it is not as obvious. She believes all men are pompous and self-absorbed. This becomes obvious when she says, â€Å"They are all but stomachs, and we all but food; / They eat us hungrily, and when they are full / They belch us† (3.4.104-106). It is argued that Emilia’s hatred toward men is derived from years of living with Iago, causing her to see all men as the same (Shakespeare’s Tragedies). One of the most important roles of hatred in Othello was that of

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Theme Of Les Miserables Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Subject Of Les Miserables Essay, Research Paper Major Subject of Les MiserablesIn Hugo # 8217 ; s fresh Les Miserables, Hugo shows us the implicit in subject through many different symbols and citations. For case, when Jean Valjean stays the dark with the bishop Monseigneur Myriel, Valjean steals the bishop # 8217 ; s Ag. The constabulary gimmick him and convey him back to the bishop. The bishop hands him two candle holders, the last of his ownerships, and sais, # 8220 ; Don # 8217 ; t bury that you promised me to utilize this Ag to go an honest man. # 8221 ; This citation sets the phase for the full novel. The quotation mark is the bishop # 8217 ; s manner of stating You need to change. # 8217 ; Before Valjean alterations, though, he must see the immorality in himself. The overall significance is that a adult male must see that he is making incorrect and what he has done before he can alter. Changing is difficult for a individual if he can non see what he is making incorrect. We will write a custom essay sample on Theme Of Les Miserables Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The quotation mark is a perfect start for this novel of underlying secret plans. The first aim of the book is for Jean Valjean to alter his life style. Once the bishop tells him this animating quotation mark, he moves on and sees the foolishness of his ways when he takes the coin from Little Gervais. After this immediate alteration becomes apparent, Valjean is shown as a # 8220 ; Christ figure # 8221 ; through the remainder of the book. Other character s are changed but merely toward the terminal of the book. Thenardier is shown as an evil adult male throughout the book, but it is at the terminal where he contributes to the ideal of the good ; this is the jurisprudence of life as God planned it. Javert Acts of the Apostless like a automaton, make up ones minding ever harmonizing to the missive of the jurisprudence and non its spirit, but in the long run his strength proves religious failing, until the terminal of the book. At the weaving up of the book, Javert encounters Valjean one last clip. Alternatively of following his inherent aptitudes and avoiding thought by collaring him, he easy walks off with a idea that morally he should allow Valjean travel. A new thought forced its manner into his consciousness. There is a higher jurisprudence than the judicial jurisprudence. A adult male can be an criminal and still be virtuous he decides, against the codification of jurisprudence. He is now â€Å"an owl forced to stare with the ocu lus of an eagle.† Hugo shows the reader in this novel that all work forces can alter, no affair how set they are in their ways. A adult male does non hold to populate one life and that one merely. He can turn his life around merely by believing in a different affair, or seeing what he has done incorrect and altering it. The quotation mark helps the reader to understand the complexness of this novel. It opens the reader # 8217 ; s eyes to a new, unprecedented manner of thought.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Steroids Essays (831 words) - Anabolic Steroids,

Steroids Muscle enhancers are exactly what they say they are. They are dietary supplements and drugs that increase mass and build muscle bigger and faster. There really is no reason for muscle enhancers to be fake. They work for almost all people. However it's not whether or not they work you should be worried about as much as the side affects of them. The most well known side affects are genital shrinkage acne and "roid rage." However there is a much more extensive list of side affects documented. There are two types of muscle enhancers. Legal and illegal. It's pretty obvious which ones are which. The people who get to decide which ones are legal or not are government agencies such as Food Drug Administration. There are many other government run agencies but the FDA decides what's what. First of all there's the more well known legal enhancers such as creatine and your common store bought supplements and weight gainers. The most popular however is creatine. This has become one of the most accepted new supplements out on the market. "So far companies that sell the supplement are cashing in on big profits. In 1997, there was $3 billion worth of creatine sales in Canada and the United States and sales continue to rise.(The London Free Press)" "Creatine is a nutrient naturally found in the body. In muscle tissue, creatin converts ADP (adenosine diphosphate) into ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the ?fuel' that powers muscle contractions. But there is only enough ATP ?fuel' to p ower about ten seconds of muscle work. For brief, intense workouts, more ATP must continually be supplied to the muscles. With extra creatine supplementation, muscle cells can make and use more ATP. This helps prevent fatigue and helps muscle gain strength, power and size. (Rocky Mountain News)" One of the less well known legal enhancers is androstenidione. It is used by the famous Mark McGwire. It is a natural supplement just like creatine only it has a more potent effect. However little if nothing is known about this new miracle supplement As little is known about this drug it is thought that this can have side affects especially for young people. "... because the supplement, androstenedione, is essentially a building block of the male hormone testosterone, some researchers believe it has risks, especially for young people going through puberty who could face stunted growth or even liver damage.(The Associated Press)" Of course everyone knows about steroids and that they are not legal, but most people don't know the different types of steroids and how they work. Most often first time steroid users start out taking the pills orally. However when these steroids are introduced to the body for a long time this way is no longer as effective. Thus for quicker results the users inject the drugs directly in their bodies. They shoot up like any heroine addict would. Different types are taken different ways. "But when I took Winstrol, I said, ?Okay I'll take this drug but I won't take the stronger drug Dianabol because that's dangerous.' Even though Winstrol is probably just as dangerous. There was an older fellow that started working at my hometown gym, so when I came back from college to live back at home, this guy introduced me to Dianabol. He said, ?If you really want to get big, you'll take Dianabol.' ... ?Yeah ok I'll take Dianabol, but I'll never shoot myself. I'll never inject myself.' And sure enough, if you really want to get big, you're gonna ? you know ? here you go the testosterone injections and bang, go ahead, shoot me in my tricep. ( Lukas, PH.D.) Although there are benefits to both legal and illegal enhancers the risks of illegal enhancers are much higher. "Oral Steroids are very hard on the liver. Since the steroid doses are so high, the liver cannot keep up and is overworked. As the liver becomes damaged, its liquid, bile, is released into the bloodstream. Bile is normally squirted into you stomach to help you digest fatty foods. But when bile gets in the blood, it makes your skin and the white part of your eyes turn yellow ... Long term steroid use