Friday, February 21, 2020

Answer quistion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer quistion - Essay Example An organization runs on the hardworking of the employees and if an employer cannot understand and study the needs and drive of a worker then the firm can result in utter failure. For example, My Dad was working as a marketing Executive of a well reputed organization and he was a very dedicated staff of the firm. He was performing averagely in his profession and his income was on commission basis. But he used to face problems when his sales were low which invariably resulted in lower income .He used to come up with serious problems in running the family and as a result demanded a basic salary from the company which was legible amount. The company refused for the same, even though dad was not the only one to come up with such a demand in the organisation.Ultimately his motivation to work reduced and he ended up resigning the job. Here we can see that, if employed needs and demands are not considered by an organization results can be devastating. Each employee is very crucial part of an organization, and their solely contribute to the success of an organization. The size of an organization is immaterial when it comes to the power of the employees. The case applies to both temporary and permanent employees of an organization.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Salata Baladi Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Salata Baladi - Movie Review Example "It is this urgency and necessity to tell a personal, closer-to-life story that drives and motivates this family fresco." (Daele, Koen Van; "A Home Movie in the True Sense"; Mumbai Documentary Film Festival; 2008; c746.shtml #top) Significant is the scene in which, while waiting in vain in Ramallah for the Israelis to reopen the Erez checkpoint which would enable them to visit their Palestinian brothers and sisters, Mary tries to communicate with her Palestinian friend in Gaza via webcam. On the computer they succeed in establishing visual contact but the sound is missing. "Through this technical problem, the director instantly represents the harrowing situation of the Palestinian refugees caught in the Gaza Strip. Collectively punished for decades, this is a people whose voice has been systematically taken away, and remains all too often unheard." (Daele, Koen Van; "A Home Movie in the True Sense"; Mumbai Documentary Film Festival; 2008; lmcatalog/pages/c 746.shtml #top). The film offers a perspective on how divided loyalties, as those of Mary between her pro-Palestinian convictions and love of relatives since migrated to Israel, make initially for indecisiveness, although blood eventually proves thicker than water. That perspective is unexceptionable as any other would have gone against human nature. Another is that rationalization comes naturally to those thus divided between loyalties. "Distant View of a Minaret" by Alifa Rifaat is a collection of 15 short stories that, the blurb claims, "give readers a glimpse of what it means to be a woman in an orthodox Muslim society in Egypt". (SPARKNOTES from Barnes & Noble). But while the setting may be Egyptian, the stories portraying different woes of women have universal appeal; for instance, a sexually dissatisfied woman, as in the title story, would be apt to remain stoic in the face of the death of her husband anywhere in the world, even in the US, not just in Egypt. In "Bahiyya's Eyes", Bahiyya, an elderly woman, tells her visiting daughter that she had recently visited a hospital where the doctor said she would soon go blind. The imminent blindness, according to her, is the result of copious tears that she had shed all her life for being born a girl. She learned about sex by watching animals; she had fancied a boy in her village, but her family had got her married to another man who died shortly after the wedding. Bahiyya describes the loneliness of being a woman without a man, and that her life and youth had been a waste. The message of this story too is universal because being born a girl is regarded as a curse in several countries, including Egypt, although that perception may still be alien to some advanced countries like the US. In "Degrees of Death", the narrator, who has begun to love the rabbits gifted her, realizes, on seeing nanny Zareefa kill one of them, that there are degrees of death for both human beings and animals as both get killed, either out of need or for sport; and that is a damning indictment of the human tendency to kill men and animals alike with a straight face in any country. "An Incident in the Ghobashi Household" shows to what lengths a woman can go to